Temadag "Adgang/adgang forbudt" 9.2.17

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Forum for Elektroniske ressourcer under DFFU afholder en temadag under overskriften ”Adgang / adgang forbudt” d. 9.2.17 i Odense.
Vi er endnu ikke færdige med planlægningen men har tilsagn fra Lorraine Estelle, Project COUNTER om et oplæg om ”Hidden metrics”:

Researchers are increasingly using a variety of platforms to access and share literature. Some of this usage is hidden. The same article may be available from a variety of places:

* publisher’s platform
* social network sites such as Mendeley and Research Gate
* full text aggregator platforms such as EBSCO
* institutional repositories

Information Power is working with Project COUNTER to undertake research into Distributed Usage Logging. This is to support a Crossref project commissioned by Elsevier. Distributed Usage Logging is a method of reporting that aims to give a much more complete picture of usage. It enables publishers to provide reports of 'total usage' regardless of where that usage happens. Such reports could also provide information about shares, tweets, and citations on Wikipedia, etc.

DFFU's temadage er et vigtigt bidrag til videnudveksling og inspiration blandt medarbejdere i FFU'erne.
Samlet bevilling: 5.000 kr.


Kontaktperson Statsbiblioteket: Vibeke Christensen